CHWC: Blog: Women's Wellness REDO

At Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers, we have your OB/GYN needs covered with our stellar staff of highly trained professionals. In addition to our physicians, we have an OB/GYN professional who is trained in the certified nurse-midwifery practice. So what is a certified nurse-midwife? What kind of training does she have? Here is how a nurse-midwife can be of service to you. What Certified Nurse-Midwives Do Much like an OB or a doctor, a certified nurse-midwife provides care after, during, or before pregnancy. A certified nurse-midwife will: - Perform gynecologic exams. - Offer preconception and planning care. - Order tests and prenatal exams. - Keep tabs on your psychological and physical health. - Assist birth plans. - Advise regarding meds, exercise, diet, and staying healthy. - Counsel and educate regarding newborn care, childbirth, and pregnancy. - Give practical and emotional support in the event of labor. - Discharge and admit you to the hospital. - Baby delivery. - Set up...